

From simple storage to more complex warehousing. The storage of goods has its own legal issues, risks and regulations.

When outsourcing these logistic activities, a sustainable relationship between the client and the logistic service provider is often sought, whereby additional investments in warehouses, personnel, equipment and IT are required from the logistic service providers. In addition, clients are setting increasingly strict requirements in terms of quality, security and food safetly. More than ever before, logistics service providers must obtain the necessary certificates ((ISO9001, SQAS, ISO13485, FCA, BRC, IFS, AEO, TAPA, BREAAM, ISO39001, VCA) to remain competitive.

Making sound agreements right from the start of the cooperation is not an unnecessary luxury for covering these investments and managing the risks. The operational aspects such as service levels, KPIs, volume agreements, price indexing and bonus-malus arrangements also require practical but legally watertight clauses. This can lead to insolvencies for principals, which in turn lead to non-payment. In such scenarions, the exercise of liens and pledges offers a means of redress.

Leeward offers the legal assistance that logistics service providers, products and retailers require during the negotiation of warehousing agreements. We also have experience in exercising their liens and redeeming their pledges in both national and international insolvency proceedings.

To protect their interest and secure its financial risks, the service provider attaches great importance to liens and pledges.